inherent in life itself just because everything is changing. The Second
Noble Truth explains that suffering is what happens when we struggle
with whatever our life experience is rather than accepting and opening
to our experience with wise and compassionate response. From this point
of view, theres a big difference between pain and suffering. Pain is
inevitable; lives come with pain. Suffering is not inevitable. If
suffering is what happens when we struggle with experience because of
our inability to accept it, then suffering is an optional extra.
I misunderstood this when I started my practice and believed if I
meditated hard enough I would be finished with all pain. That turned out
to be a big mistake. I was disappointed when I discovered the error and
embarrassed that I had been so nave. Its obvious we are not going to
finish with pain in this lifetime.
The Buddha said, Everything dear to us causes pain.Those of us who have
chosen relational life have made the choice that the pain is worth it.
-Sylvia Boorstein, /Its Easier Than You Think/
from /Everyday Mind,/ edited by Jean Smith, a /Tricycle/ book