Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trying to escape, trying to get something -

 "The quality of mind is conditioned by experience

 ~ The benefits of This practice grows with time

Story of Asian grandmother reading obits to their daughter ..."we're in relationship w/ thse people"....even if we don't know them... we are affected by all causes & the lives of other people...helps us understand life & death. do I worry about my obit being worthy compared to other people's obits (records)

Being curious of how practice moves... how it progresses. Sharing this... we are all connected. We remain in connection as we learn from each other about this practice moves through all our lives.  

Recognizing when the mind is taking a self-centered view...or recognizes its social interconnectedness.

Steve Masters (a speaker at Common Ground?)...overcoming feeling  intimidated by the homeless. extending a hand ' Tell me your story'... it's about interconnectedness.