Shantideva says, "Virtuous thoughts do rise, brief and transient, in
the world." We've all had this experience: you're walking along,
you're complaining and judging everyone, you feel like you're on a
steady diet of poison, you're driving everyone crazy—especially
yourself—and then, BAM! Like a flash of lightning in the dark,
something gets through your self-absorption. Sometimes it's just a car
backfiring, or maybe it's a dharma teaching, but it wakes you up out
of your self-absorption and you see that the sun has come out, the sky
is beautiful, and there are birds flying across it. Suddenly the world
is very large. Everybody knows the experience of being completely self-
absorbed and then something gets through. That's a flash of bodhichitta.
- Obstacles & Resistance - Ezra Bayda
- Hard Times, Simple Times - Norman Fischer
- Don't Waste Time - Lee Register
- "You Are Buddha" - Norm Randolph
- Genjo Koan
- Sacred texts - Zen Poems
- Fukanzazengi
- Other Fun Stuff
- Ken Jones - A Primer
- Good Talks
- Chapters from Karen Maizen MIller
- Rain and the Rhinoceros - Thomas Merton
- True Happiness - Thich Nhat Hanh
- Am i not among the early risers? Mary Oliver
- Maintaining A Steady Practice - Pat Enkyo O'Hara
- Just Sitting, Going Nowhere - Lewis Richmond
Friday, October 10, 2008
Bodhicitta Everyday
From Pema Chodron at