Mindfulness of Feeling
"And how, monks, does a monk abide contemplating feelings as feelings? Here, a monk feeling a pleasant feeling knows that he feels a pleasant feeling; feeling a painful feeling he knows that he feels a painful feeling; feeling a feeling that is neither painful-nor-pleasant he knows that he feels a feeling that is neither painful-nor-pleasant; feeling a pleasant sensual feelings he knows that he feels a pleasant sensual feelings, feeling a pleasant non-sensual feelings he knows that he feels a pleasant non-sensual feelings; feeling a painful sensual feeling . . . feeling a painful non-sensual feeling . . . feeling a sensual feeling that is neither painful-nor-pleasant . . . feeling a non-sensual feeling that is neither painful-nor-pleasant, he knows that he feels a non-sensual feelings that is neither painful-nor-pleasant. . . . And he abides independent, not clinging to anything in the world. And that, monks, is how a monk abides contemplating feelings as feelings.
--Mahasatipatthana Sutta: The Greater Discourse on the Foundations of Mindfulness,
in Thus Have I Heard: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, translated by Maurice Walshe