Helpful discussion about walking meditation... 'placing the sole of the foot, feeling....the
I imagined trying to meditate while walking the hectic streets of Manhattan where I work. It is possible to breathe more deeply and to count my steps as I inhale and exhale. That means walking more slowly, but not offensively so. I can think about each step (or every other step) and try to keep my mind in the moment – instead of fretting about where I had to go and what I had to do when I got there, or worrying about where I came from and what happened when I was there.
“You bring your concentration to the sole of your foot and you touch mother earth like that. You say ‘I have arrived in the here and now, where all the wonders of life are available,’” he said.
He suggested walking with two steps on the in breath, chanting to ourselves “I have arrived, I have arrived,” and three steps on the out breath, chanting “I am home, I am home, I am home.” This gives us “solidity” which prevents our mind from being pulled away, he said.
As he spoke gently, moving from topic to topic, he smiled often and punctuated his talk with quips like “Mindfulness you cannot buy in the supermarket. You have to generate it inside of us and around us.”