Wednesday, May 13, 2020

7th Moon, 29th sun - Yi - Year of the Ox - I had a dream -- written by Lu Yu (1125-1210)

7th Moon, 29th Sun, Yi- Year of the Ox: I had a Dream Last night in which I met a stately man, and at First Sight we were like old friends. He had written pages of lovely poems Long Ago, all perfectly pure and simple. I started reading through them, But woke Before I finished. To record What happened, I've written This in Long Lines: 

The traveler is an instant friend, utterly clear and true.
Even before we dip out wine, we share kindred thoughts.

The pillow is cold, but I don't understand it's all a dream 
In the clear night. I just savor that vision of an old sage.

Star River tipped, Dipper sunk, ancient histories empty, 
Mist scatters, and clouds leave.

Our two bodies are mirage, and mind is perfect clarity. 
It sees through this illusion.
Awake you can't avoid it: all things the same bittersweet.

- Lu Yu (1125-1210), Translated by David Hinton, in 'Mountain Home - The Wilderness Poetry of Ancient China', 2014