Monday, September 15, 2014

The Way of Ryokan | Tricycle

The Way of Ryokan | Tricycle

Metta Sutta
This is what should be accomplished by the one who is wise
Who seeks the good and has obtained peace.
Let one be strenuous, upright and sincere,
Without pride, easily contented and joyous.
Let one not be submerged by the things of the world.
Let one not take upon one’s self the burden of riches.
Let one’s senses be controlled.
Let one be wise but not puffed up.
And let one not desire great possession even for one’s family.
Let one do nothing that is mean or that the wise would reprove.
May all beings be happy.
May they be joyous and live in safety—all living things
Whether weak or strong, in high or middle
Or low realms of existence, small or great,
Visible or invisible, near or far, born or to be born.
May all beings be happy.
Let no one deceive another nor despise any being in any state.
Let none by anger or hatred wish harm to another,
Even as a mother at the risk of her life
Watches over and protects her only child.
So with a boundless mind should one cherish all living things
Suffusing love over the entire world.
Above, below and all around without limit.
So let one cultivate an infinite goodwill toward the whole world.
Standing or walking, sitting or lying down,
During all one’s waking hours,
Let one practice the way with gratitude,
Not holding to fixed views,
Endowed with insight, freed from sense of appetites.
One who achieves the way
Will be freed from the duality of birth and death.