In It Together | Tricycle:
"There are two approaches to settling your body-mind into the Buddha Way. The first is going to a teacher and listening to the teaching; the second is total devotion of just sitting. Listening to the teaching opens your heart-mind and allows it to work freely. Just sitting is the everyday affair of the Buddhas and the living realization of the Zen founders. Neither approach can be neglected.
The story indicates that first you go in faith to receive help from another, and then, in accepting this help, you find it in yourself. First the truth turns you, then you turn the truth."
Makes me think of Charlotte Koko Beck's 4 liner:
Caught in the Self-centered dream, only suffering;
Holding to self-centered thought, exactly the dream.
Each moment, life as it is, the only teacher;
Being each moment, Compassion's Way.
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