Friday, May 11, 2012

Upsurge | Tricycle

Upsurge | Tricycle: "You are here talking about the style of thinking—linear, instrumental logic—that is most valued in modern, technological society and in which, in virtually any profession, one is highly socialized. Would you say something about models of thinking that you find are more adequate to the problems we face? We need to think like a mountain, as Aldo Leopold famously said. He did not mean we should think like a big geologic uplift; he meant thinking like a system. We need the kind of thinking Joanna Macy has devoted her life to, as did the environmental scientist Donella Meadows. Buddhism offers a way to understand the dualistic nature of the phenomenal world. Duality is not a bad thing, but it is dynamic and endlessly causal. Suffering arises from expecting something different, from the idea that we can “fix” the world or get it right once and for all. With linear thinking, impermanence is usually seen as a threat instead of a blessing. "

'via Blog this'