Friday, May 11, 2012

Number One Fool | Tricycle

Number One Fool | Tricycle: "The sympathy of the Buddha identifies with the slowest horse, this last group of people that includes most of us. But some of us do not easily awaken to the meaning of life's evanescence and unexpected tragedies, even if we personally experience them. When we finally do feel a need, it may be too late, because old age limits our physical and mental capacities, illness prohibits any sustained quest, and death obliterates everything. Such people are called foolish beings (bonbu).

Foolish beings, however, are the primary concern of Amida Buddha, and it is upon them that the flooding light of boundless compassion shines, eventually bringing about a radical transformation in life—”hopeless to hopeful, darkness to light, ignorance to enlightenment." This awareness of foolish beings is at the core of Japanese Buddhist life, regardless of school or denomination."

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