Monday, May 16, 2011

Stepping Out of the Self

Stepping Out Of The Self

In a video teaching by Koshin Paley Ellison and Robert Chodo Campbell, founders of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, Koshin reminds us that before the Buddha was the Buddha, he was deluded. A sheltered prince in a great palace, the Buddha was only concerned with fleeting pleasures and distractions. Yet, upon encountering old age, sickness, and death for the first time, the Buddha saw that he needed to "step out of his life." It was this "stepping out" that lead him to investigate and uncover the true nature of existence and to commit to a life of serving others.

In the ongoing Special Community Discussion led by Koshin and Chodo, there are several accounts from individuals who speak of their own lives and the various twists, turns, and realizations that led them to begin serving others. Whether experienced hospice workers or simple caring friends, the qualities of selflessness and compassion are constant and it is clear that when one works for the good of another, there are greater forces at play than when lost in the distractions of ego.

This month Tricycle honors the work of The New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care by offering Tricycle Community members the opportunity to make a $5 donation to the center via the Tricycle Karuna Fund. All contributions to the Fund made during the month of May will be donated directly to NYZCCC. Learn more here.