Sunday, March 20, 2011

From Tricycle Magazine's Online RETREAT

Offered online in the first part titled 'The Result' by Pamela Gayle White and Khendrub Zangmo

Thank you so much for joining us! The poem is from Heart Advice from a Mahamudra Master, a book of Gendun Rinpoche's teachings. With warm wishes, Pamela and Khedrub
Happiness cannot be found
through great effort and will,
but is already there, perfect and complete,
in relaxation and letting go.
Do not worry, there is nothing to do.
Whatever appears in mind has no importance,
since it has no reality.
Do not hold on to it, and do not judge.
Let the play happen by itself,
arising and passing,
without changing anything -
everything vanishes and reappears, without end.
Only your searching for happiness
prevents you from seeing it,
just like a rainbow that you chase
without ever reaching it.
Although happiness does not exist,
it has always been there
and accompanies you
in every moment.
Do not believe that good
or bad experiences are real.
They are like rainbows.
Wanting to grasp the ungraspable,
you exhaust yourself in vain.
As soon as you relax this grasping,
space is there - open, inviting and joyful.
Make use of it.
All is yours already.
Do not search any further.
Do not enter the impenetrable jungle
to search for the elephant
that is already quietly at home.
Nothing to do,
nothing to force,
nothing to wish for -
and everything happens by itself.