Your Actions vs. Your Beliefs
When we ask what makes a happy and meaningful life, one problem that can arise is the tendency to respond with an answer that doesn't really come from the heart. At such times the conscious mind has one answer and the unconscious has another, so we become conflicted. An easy way to tell if you suffer from such an inner conflict is to see how well your daily activities match up with your beliefs. If you say that family is important to you but somehow don’t find much quality time with your each week; if you say that spirituality is important but spend only a few hours a week engaged in spiritual practice; if you say that helping others is
important but you can't think easily of recent examples of your doing so, then there's probably a significant gap between the beliefs you hold consciously and the unconscious ones that are running your life.
--Lorne Ladner, from The Lost Art of Compassion (HarperSanFrancisco)