- Obstacles & Resistance - Ezra Bayda
- Hard Times, Simple Times - Norman Fischer
- Don't Waste Time - Lee Register
- "You Are Buddha" - Norm Randolph
- Genjo Koan
- Sacred texts - Zen Poems
- Fukanzazengi
- Other Fun Stuff
- Ken Jones - A Primer
- Good Talks
- Chapters from Karen Maizen MIller
- Rain and the Rhinoceros - Thomas Merton
- True Happiness - Thich Nhat Hanh
- Am i not among the early risers? Mary Oliver
- Maintaining A Steady Practice - Pat Enkyo O'Hara
- Just Sitting, Going Nowhere - Lewis Richmond
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Practicing Presence
Practicing Presence
“To continue practice through severe difficulties we must have patience, persistence, and courage. Why? Because our usual mode of living – one of seeking happiness, battling to fulfill desires, struggling to avoid mental and physical pain – is always undermined by determined practice. We learn in our guts, not just in our brain, that a life of joy is not in seeking happiness, but in experiencing and simply BEING the circumstances of our life as they are.”
Charlotte Joko Beck from Everyday Zen