Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Space & the Bhuddha-Nature

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From: 'Tricycle's Daily Dharma' <tricycle@e.mailzeen.com>
To: clindsay@wwt.net
Sent: Tue Sep 11 0:17
Subject: Fwd: Tricycle's Daily Dharma

Tricycle's Daily Dharma: September 11, 2007

Tricycle's Daily Dharma: September 11, 2007
Space and the Buddha-natureOne of the most
common analogies used to describe the Buddha-nature is space itself.
This analogy has three aspects. First, just as space is omnipresent and
yet is unpolluted by everything it pervades, similarly, Buddha-nature
pervades every sentient being without being in any way tainted. Second,
just as galaxies and universes arise and pass within space, so do the
characteristics of our personalities arise and pass within
Buddha-nature. Our sensations arise and pass away; Buddha-nature
continues. Third, just as space is never consumed by fire, so this
Buddha-nature is never consumed by the "fire" of aging, sickness, or
death. -B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground Up From
Everyday Mind, a Tricycle book edited by Jean Smith

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