Sunday, July 14, 2024

Hugh Byrne - Jul 14


Dorothy Hunt - 

Wendell Berry - the peace of wild things

Wisdom in Turning towards our experience

What I resist, persists. Languishing in Victimhood?

Eckhardt Tolle: what you accept fully you go beyond?

Triggered by someone? Something  I need to look at  … why cling to it.. if there is suffering, there is something I’m doing to support that suffering, something I’m clinging to … can I be with this? What an I feeling in my body?

If I can stay with it, expand my window of tolerance, I will see its changing nature  a wisdom in turning towards it  I can experience the feelings in my body, allow myself to feel  all the separate energies of fear will come and go and I will be able to see it —- make the obstacle the path “

If A restless mind is the obstacle to being calm, then my attention to that can be the antidote  instead of  saying my mind is too busy, I can’t meditate, instead I turn towards it, and say yes  

neurosis is always a way of avoiding existential intensity. Bruce Tift.  A variation of Jung’s comment. Neurosis

We can learn to ride the waves of difficult experience . Nothing lasts forever. 

Rilke: What appears to us as the most difficult … only a dragon who needs love. Who needs our attention. 

Bringing in the heart, bringing in compassion in a moment of compassion. Bringing in kindness to ourselves. 

Book by  Christina Feldman- the boundless heart - compassion as an attitudinal  commitment. Bringing love and kindness to all our experience and to all people even those who push our buttons. 

Include all in our Lovingkindness practice.