Monday, May 27, 2024

Amar from Herzegovina

This is where meditation comes into play.

I believe one of the worst ways to live your life is by listening and believing everything your brain tells you.

We are wired for comfort and instant gratification, so your brain will find million ways to presuade you into not doing stuff that will bring rewards into the future.

Why mediate now if it will take few months to reap the benefits of doing so?

Why exercise now if it will take months for results to show?

It is much easier to just lie down and do nothing. That is why we procrastinate doing the stuff we know is good for us.

It takes time and effort to meditate, but, the more you are aware of your automatic thinking processes, the more you are able to change them.

What better way is to do that than by setting a timer and sitting for set duration no matter what excuses your brain come up with?