With Stacy McClendon on Friday, Jan 5, 2024
Not waiting for the time to be right before getting out into the world...Being okay with our selves as we 'show up' for what is.
Touching in with our heart, allowing us our heart to be tender...even when we can't do anything for the situation. Dont' need to judge who is deserving, what will we get in return.
There is thinking that keeps us stuck: 'I'm not quite there yet, I don't have it perfected,
Our kindness is not responsible for someone else's happiness. Our kindness is a seed. Cultivate a capacity to care. to care for one another. Often, idea of Love is idealistic....no wants...etc, no suffering...but this is a convolution...kindness and care is more straightforward.
These are not empty words...it is the intention behind the words that informs the concept 'kindness'.
the near enemy of lovingkindness and generosity is 'what will I get in return'... lovingnknness is like the sun...it covers everyone. no exceptions. The neutral people also deserve lovingknidness.... the homeless, the ones in the incampment. the tents
'This is what I believe'...instead of starring with 'I think'..truly claiming what I believe.
One Friday night at a time, one interaction at a time.... nothing big and magical...but rather the slow cultivationn of a seed of intention... the neutral people who are invisible in our lives. Making eye contact...a simple saying of 'hello'. Not rolling up my window at homeless person?
Can we show kindness ...by asking simply...'how are you'' do we need to do more than that?
From David Rico: LOVINGKINDESS - it's a kindly support of your path...no matter how disturbing your perceived deficiencies, or alternatively, no matter how you have wronged. No matter how you think you should utilize the old script for reacting. This living skillfully.