Sunday, October 29, 2023

Inability to Sitting quietly alone in a room

All of our suffering, and mankind's suffering stems from our (man's) inability to sit quietly alone in a room. 

~ Blaise Pascal

suggesting that we sit to be with our experience: '~ being with our experience...saying 'yes' to what is. ~' Eckhardt Tolle

'to uproot the landmines of the earth we must first uproot the landmines in our heart.' ...out of our own experiences, and especially the ones we don't sit with, we create the larger, the grander suffering in our hearts...

'we need to open to our experience. What am I aware of right now?.  can I make space for it.  Dorothy Hunt...Peace is this moment in the heart space without judgement. 

This is all just pointing to the importance of our meditative practice.

'All wisdom is plagiarism...all ignorance is original.' -  Gil Fronsdal  

When we meet our experience without awareness, things get bad and worse.

Taking refuge in what is true...rather than being in denial. fears, joys can come and go...they are impermanent...Blake's: he who binds to hiimself  a joy does the winged life destroy, but he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in eternity's sunrise....that's freedom of the heart. 

with wisdom we be present ..being with our experience...s/ clinging...E Tolle: you can always cope with the present moment, but you can't cope with a mind projection about the future.  

Thisi s the root of equanimity: welcome the guests...let them come and go.  with steadiness, we can then touch a fearlessness...being w/ our own experience wholeheartedly. 

'Create a clearing....wait in the dense forest of your life...until your song...'...then back to the world so worthy of rescue...Martha Postlthewaite's poem.

The first wing of the bird for flying: the wing of awareness (insight, clarity)  --the second wing is the wing of compassion (The Buddhist Heaart practices) (this is our relationship with others, our caring for others...responding to the cries of the world). We cultivate an attitudinal commitment of kindness towards the world, to others, to ourselves, committing to kindness...   

20th century Indian teacher: wisdom tells me I'm nothing, Love tells me I'm everything... and between the two, my life flows.  (With that is the image of the body of the bird...afloat in the airy space).