It's too easy to return to forgetfulness. It's not that it's easy to return to forgetfulness but rather it's easy to return to habit energies that protect the ego, that are 'business as usual', that are grasping in nature, that 'give into' habit energies. I just tumble into that energy.
It seems I believe I have an entitlement, as if 'I've earned the time to do what I want to do for myself.' -- as if at the end of my time together with others in mindfulness, a time when I decided to 'show up' for the present moment to be in community with my mindfulness group - then I can be released, be released "to do what I want to do for myself." ...released to get on with more grasping?
- I sat tonight with my mindfulness group and we contemplated the aspect of 'wind' and 'air movement' in our lives.