Butler-Bowdon.com - free self-development commentaries: "Final word
Suzuki's book shatters the belief that we can achieve salvation or happiness through looking elsewhere, beyond who we are and where we are now. We want to escape because of suffering, but Suzuki says that finding pleasure in the transient nature of life in action - which we often label suffering - is the only way to live in the world successfully. This outlook of coping with and even 'enjoying' the experience of suffering as part of life is a radical thought, but is it not closer to reality than a belief that we must be living a perfect existence? We can be empowered by our acceptance, whereas denial of the facts of life only causes more pain. Equanimity is a great spiritual gift.
We usually seek to gain knowledge by gathering information, Suzuki says, but in Buddhism, the reverse is true. Its purpose is clear the mind of 'stuff', to be empty-minded. This is not dumbness, but how we access the universe's endless and perfect intelligence."
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