Friday, July 19, 2013

Growing Ground | Tricycle - 4

Growing Ground | Tricycle: "My work in the CTs has helped me see that growth requires discipline the way compost requires wood chips. The festering raw material of your inner life, all your personal shit, dissolves into the self-negation of your spiritual practice the way waste dissolves into wood chips. Gradually, over time, you feel a softening inside, a ripening. You cultivate rich, fertile, living ground for insight and compassion, for deep human feeling, to continually sprout and take seed. It’s a natural process. You can’t force it. You simply set the right conditions in motion and then get out of the way. The same principle is at work in our universe whether you’re mixing wood chips in with waste or practice in with your problems.

I could write a bestseller about it: Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Composting Human Waste.

Steve Krieger is entering his third year as a full-time resident at the Mount Baldy Zen Center in Southern California."

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