Friday, November 24, 2017

What is sesshin?

Listening to a Dharma talk by Steve Hagen called 'What is sesshin?' a talk given at Dharmafield in October? 2017

A statement that caught my attention moment ago that 'we are living out the life of our mind' ...'we are always living out the life our mind.'..... it is the life of our mind which is part of that life that we're living out.

So it is the idea that we accept the life that are living out. The life of our mind which is creating all those worries and regrets. the life of that mind includes all of the thoughts and images that come into it. This engenders all of the suffering that is caused by our grasping after our cravings down to the specific details of our specific lives. The specific suffering we experience are shaped by our perceptions about, for example, the fairness and unfairness of a situation...any particular qualities about what we perceive, and our effort to change the qualities, the willful actions we pursue to alleviate or change the course of all of these are included in the life of our mind. this is the life of the mind we are living out.